Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Mother's Day

I was told in a preparatory class for this year as a student missionary that when living in a different culture I would find things about that culture that are better than my home culture. Though I can not articulate most that I’ve found as of yet due to the slow brain processing of culture shock, there is one that I can: Mother’s Day. Here in Malawi, Mother’s Day is national holiday. Yes, it’s a national holiday in the United States as well, but here in Malawi it isn’t necessarily on a Sunday. October 15 is the official day every year. And, there’s no school. Malawi has it right - mothers deserve this much celebration - plus more. So please, fathers, bear with me as I rant and rave about how wonderful mothers are. Fathers are wonderful as well and do a lot of the same things as mothers. However, it is Mother’s Day today, not Father’s Day. So though I have no favorite between the two, this post is celebrating mothers.

Mothers are one of God’s greatest gifts to us. Can you imagine a world without mothers? For one, it would be less populated, very much so. But other than that obvious fact, I imagine the world would be very bleak. Whose heart will swell with love when their baby wakes up in the middle of the night, screaming, for the second time that night? Who would be proud of a 4-year-old’s picture she colored that resembles nothing in this world? Who would gently wipe tears away and kiss the imaginary boo-boo that has caused a world to fall apart? Who else would be your best friend and play dolls with you even when no one else wants to? Who else is going to read Christmas stories to you as you and your siblings sit around a lit tree sipping hot chocolate? Who else is going to come into your room and put all of the toys that are still on the floor hours after she asked you to pick them up in a big garbage bag and keep them until you earn them back? Who else is going to quiz you over your science material before a test the next day? Who else is going to ground you and make you ask permission before you read a book because you just HAD to keep reading and completely overlooked your ridiculously simple chores for far too long? Who else is going to make you your favorite food or dessert when you’ve had a terrible day and are in need of some encouragement? More importantly, who is going to love you always even when you most definitely do not deserve it?

Yes, mothers are definitely a huge blessing and an incredible way through which God shows His love for us - by providing earthly parents that can dry our tears and laugh with us, hug us or spank us when we need it, and scold us when we need to learn a lesson or listen to us when our world is falling apart and we need somebody to rant and complain to.

Now, I would like it to be known that I, unarguably, have the best mother on the planet. No question about it. Not only did she, along with my dad, raise me to be the person that I am today, but she has always been patient with me and some of my crazy ideas and a major encouraging support in my life. She has taught me many, many things: from to not leave your dirty panties on the floor and to not leave your church clothes in a heap on the floor to get all wrinkled, to the importance of responsibility, manners, and modesty, being thorough, and how to be thankful for everything I have. I cannot imagine all the stress and difficulty I have caused for my mother over the years, and I feel bad for all the times when I have not treated her like the queen she really is or when I did not do anything to be helpful when she really needed it and there was a boat-load of things I could have done. Thankfully, my mother is a forgiving person and loves me anyway. I do not know what on earth I would do without her.

Thank you Mommy, for being the wonderful mother and godly example that you are. You are the best mother ever and I am SO GLAD that YOU are MY mom. And to every other mother who reads this, you ARE appreciated and loved - thank you for your love and commitment. Happy Malawian Mother’s Day!!

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