Friday, September 19, 2014

Mosquitos, cockroaches, and geckos - Oh my!!


There I was, 21 years old, huddling in one end of my mosquito net staring in horror at the mosquito that had made its way inside as I was setting it up. Of course, somebody had to keep track of the mosquito, and since I saw it first….  And Laurel is good with killing bugs. After a summer in Alaska, camping with mosquitos and no-see-ums, among other insects, one would figure that I could easily deal with the mosquitos here in Malawi, especially since I have the protection of a mosquito net here. Nope. 

There, I got it Talea, you can calm down now.


Not as if Laurel really needed reminding, I’m just paranoid. If only we had caught that moment on camera; I’m sure you all would have a good laugh over that.

Another night I was heading to bed and saw something move on the floor near the door. Cockroach. I stared in horror at it and told Laurel, calmly this time. She’s a dear and got rid of it for me. Our resident lizard-salamander-gecko-I-really-have-no-clue-what-it-is-and-I-don’t-particularly-want-to-know thing is taking some getting used to. I’ve only seen him once, but it was enough to become super paranoid. Laurel named him Jeremy, but I prefer to call him Germy. I feel like it’s more fitting. Whether he eats bugs or not. He’s not doing the best job, though I’m sure he’s eating his fill. You can tell by looking at him. Anyways, I was putting dishes away and opened the cupboard door to put something in it. As my hand was moving in to place the object on the shelf inside, I saw movement. Bug movement. Backward deeper into the cupboard. Cockroaches. Needless to say, my hand quickly returned to safety and I closed the cupboard. If they’re stuck in there they can’t get out, right? Probably not, but it comforts me to think so. I have Laurel open it and get something for me if I need it, but terrible need for stuff from that particular cupboard does not arise very often. Laurel graciously offered to clean it out, to which I did not oppose. The cupboard needed a good cleaning anyways, but this encounter has made that need incredibly urgent. However, at the moment we are not very motivated. We seem to be putting off this terrible task as long as we can.

I keep reminding myself that this happens to everybody in third-world countries, that it’s common and won’t kill you Talea, but I still don’t like it. I’m sure I’ll get use to it though and miss Germy when I get back home - that’s what I’ve heard from others who have gone as student missionaries. 

I did not come here to be comfortable. I came to get out of my comfort zone and meet others where they are, not expect them to meet my level. I came to be of service to others and make a difference in somebody’s life, God willing. And God is with me and has a plan “which is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2). Knowing and reminding myself of this brings me comfort and makes the bugs and other creatures a bit more bearable.

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